Church of the Holy Cross in Nin

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Church of the Holy Cross in Nin
The Church of the Holy Cross called „the smallest cathedral in the world“ is the most valuable preserved monument of early Croatian religious architecture and one of Nin's symbols. By its position and beauty it dominates the area where it stands. It was built in the 9th century, in the Early Christian period. It is the only religious object in Nin which has remained untouched since its construction to date. It is 7.80 m long, 7.60 m wide, and 8.20 metres in height (inside measures) and the walls are 57cms thick. It was built on the remains of ancient houses which are visible even today. During the reign of Croatian Kings it served as a Court chapel for the nearby Duke's Court. A number of medieval graves were discovered around the church.



Crkva sv. Križa u Ninu FULL HD
The Smallest Cathedral in the World
Crkva sv. Križa u Ninu
Tourist destination in Croatia Nin crkva sv. Križa


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