
The beautiful Lika village of Brinje on the slopes of Velika kapela and Velebit is marked by a particularly continental climate. The town is formed around a castle called Sokolac, which contains one of the most well preserved Gothic chapels in Croatia, St. Marys, which dates back to the 14th century. Brinje's history dates back to medieval times, while the town was held by the noble Frankopan and Gorjanski families. Brinje was important medieval fortified city held by Frenkopan family. The fortress, which used to be a favourite of the Frankopan counts, hides edifices of exceptional value: the chapel of St. Fabijan and Sebastian, the parish church, Sokolac; one of the most beautiful monuments from medieval times, a stone bridge over the Gate stream, more than 200 years old and boasting a sun dial.





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