Vis (town)

Vis (town)
Vis is a town on the eponymous island in the Adriatic Sea in southern Croatia. The town of Vis, on the northern side of the island, is located in a wide peaceful bay, where sailors gladly drop anchor. This is exactly where Dalmatia's most important town, the Greek colony of Issa, was situated in 4th century B.C. Vis is also known for its gastronomic delicacies - the Vis anchovy scone (viška pogača) and Vis bread (viški hlib), a delicacy dating back to Antique times and made of figs. Until the middle of the twentieth century the main sources of income were vineyards and wine production.[6] Recently more and more people work in tourism. The town is also famous for its greenery of palms, the only example on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea.



Grad Vis
VIS-biser Jadrana
Vis town paragliding


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