Zeleni vir (Skrad)
Zeleni vir is a strong source located at the bottom of a shallow cave at the foot of a 70 meters high cliff. A cliff that is very colorful and along which, like a white curtain, falls the stream and sprinkles the cave's entrance with thousand of water drops. The source was named after the emerald-green water of the small lake whose source in the cave cannot be seen. The waters of the lake, through a small dam, enter into the underground channel that brings the water up to the water power-plant built in 1921, which is the first water power-plant built in Gorski kotar. In the vicinity of the power-plant there is a nice climbers' lodge with a restaurant offering local dishes like venison, blueberry cakes and the famous Skrad strudel. In the lodge, besides catering facility, you can also find the accommodation in nicely decorated rooms in the attic. The excursion to Zeleni vir is best accompanied with the visit to the Devils passage (Vražji prolaz).
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User Reviews
2 reviews
Review by ReginaL
Imagine place where nature is at it's best and where everything is green, peaceful. Imagine creeks, waterfalls... go and live through it. That's what Zeleni Vir is, lovely place where you'll recharge your batteries.
Review by Ulrik_78
Beautiful, but poorly maintained paths
As in most of Croatia's "Gorski kotar" county, the nature is absolutely beautiful. The problem are poorly maintained paths, too steep and stairways were added which actually make you look around for other options. It does kind of spoil the whole experience. Also, visiting in the dry season kind of robs you of the experience of seeing the mountain waters rushing through the canyons; so be sure to visit in the spring, when the water is still plentiful from the melting snows.